Saturday, February 23, 2013

Senior Recital Prep!

Okay finally getting to serious business with recital preparation. I'm really excited :D Met with drummer the other day, and met with the wonderful pianist Kye Sun Kim the day after that.

It's so wonderful working with real people, and such talented artists at that. One of the best things is getting immediate feedback. Computers don't talk back ;) And I like a little talk back every now and then. Also pushing myself to really perform again.

Yes, music isn't meant to stay within the boundaries of your bedroom. It isn't nearly as fun then. So I can't wait for the weeks to progress as I meet up with more people and bring this dream to fruition. Countdown to senior recital starts now!

BTW senior recital is April 27th! Be there :D

Saturday, February 9, 2013


Finally able to get kontakt as well as so many other things to work on my computer now! So I'm excited and will hopefully be able to put up much more in terms of music now. Here's a short song of storms cover I just finished on sound cloud

song of storms cover 1

It's something I started a long time ago and finally put up. A softer kind of music boxy inspired cover. Since he plays it on that cool device.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Last semester

Ok I'm terrible at keeping up to date on things, but I finally remembered I have a blog, so carrying on!

Last semester of college, and one of the most exciting things is the upcoming senior recital! April 27th at Caplan hall, 17th floor of terra :) Hope to see any and all there. I'll post more about that later, but now really trying to get things together for that. It'll be eclectic to say the least.

Possibly starting off with a mariachi-esque fanfare type song, tropical pieces, pieces based off a hypothetical video game, personal projects and so much more. Remember that's April 27th, as of now 7pm but trying to get that pushed to 8pm.